

Less The article about using less ink when designing is very good solution to some people, but maybe not so great to others. Like the article stated it has been discussed before and its not a new concept, but in my opinion it could help reduce and save more ink for printers since printer ink is not cheap at all. It's a very smart way of saving money and still knowing how to give your audience a great design without using so much ink as long as the balance isn't there between the design and the amount of ink being used. Overall the idea is very useful and could save money, paper, and ink but also some people could rebel against the idea maybe because they feel that they cannot be as creative with their designs.

HmWrk #6

HmWrk #6 The article "20 Design Rules You Should Never Break" taught me some very useful information. It kind've morphed what design is and how to use it effectively to appeal to whatever audience's attention you are trying to get. It gives you step by step instructions on what to do and what not to do, but its the little things that many people don't pay attention to that can ruin a great design. The article clearly explained how to get your message across to your audience without having too much in the design or having too little in your image.

Killer Klowns In The Forest ( Movie Poster)


HmWrk #5

HmWrk #5 The video about J. J. Abrams and they mystery box was very interesting. He caught my attention when he started to talk about how mystery boxes are everywhere and what they do. He really showed me that the possibilities are endless of what someone can create and that we all can do something big with our imagination. You never know how far you can go with your imagination, and there can always be something bright at the end of that tunnel.

HmWrk #4

HmWrk #4 I love the poster for this Dragon Ball Z movie, not only because I am a huge Dragon Ball fan, but also because of the design of the movie poster. The poster is filled with all kinds of different colors that could make it stand out anywhere that it's posted, and  the two main characters of the movie are proportioned way bigger than the rest of the characters you see in the movie, so it makes you focus on the characters that were made bigger while still giving the smaller characters some credit. The facial expressions and movements of the characters show that the movie has plenty of action and that the movie is intended to be a fighting movie.

The Fairytale Album Cover
